Welcome to the Family Album Ring, the ring for amateur photographers who want to display their treasured family photos, vacation shots, etc. This is meant as an alternative to the Ring of Photography, which is dedicated to amateur and professional art photography.
A few rules:
- No nudity. No hatred. No gore. Period. This is a G-Rated Ring.
- We are seeking pictures of your family and friends. Old photos of your grandmother or your mother in her First Communion dress, family reunion shots, personal portraits of your family members, etc. are the stuff we seek for the ring. Pages may be attached to larger photosites or genealogy pages as long as the links meet the other standards of this ring.
- No professional galleries. Professionals with pictures of their own family may join the ring, but must link directly to the family photos section.
- Ring links must lead directly to family photo galleries. No exceptions. The Ring graphic must appear on the same page as the registered URL. (Splash pages are allowed, but the page they bring you to ~must~ have the Ring code.)
- All sites must include the complete Ring graphic, unaltered, on the page matching the URL given.
- Informative text is welcome, but the intent of the pages must be primarilly to display photographs.
- Advertising must be discreet. (Banners are OK.)